Depot Method

This page will show the process step-by-step of how to update your TCS LCC products using the TCS Depot program.
New Version now available!
No login required!
Automatically downloads firmware files!
Easier than ever before to connect your throttle!
Improved reliability when updating throttles!
Click here to download TCS Depot
Be Sure to Use The Latest Version of Depot 2.1.1
You must have the most recent version of TCS Depot installed on your computer to use these instructions for updating your device.
Mac and Linux Users Use One of The Other Two Methods We Offer for updating.
Use the TCS Integrated Web Interface or JMRI to update your TCS Devices. The Depot Tool does not support these operating systems yet.
Before Getting Started
It is recommended that you observe the battery level in your UWT-100 or UWT-50 before starting the update process. If your indicator shows less than 25% remaining, replace your batteries as a precaution. If the device you are updating loses power while performing the update, you will need to start over.
Connecting Your WiFi-enabled Device
Devices such as the UWT-50, UWT-100, and CS-105 feature on-board WiFi. These WiFi-enabled devices can be updated wirelessly using TCS depot and a PC. Before updating, you need to get the computer and the device connected over WiFi. These steps below will guide you through that process.
You may skip this section and proceed to the updating instructions below IF...
A) You have already performed this setup before
B) Your device is already connected to the same WiFi as the computer using TCS Depot
C) You use the same WiFi for your trains and your computer
Option 1: Using An Available WiFi Network
If this is the first time you are updating your device, complete the normal booting process so that you can add a new WiFi connection. Make sure your computer is ON and connected to a network with WiFi - this could be your home WiFi for example.
How to Add a Network to Universal WiFi Throttles (UWT):
Open the Menu [≡] and select "6 Network Options"
Select "3 Add Network" from the list of options
Select "1 Scan For WiFi"
From the list, select the WiFi name that is the same as what your computer is connected to.
If necessary, you will be prompted to enter the password.
Once the throttle has successfully connected to the network, power down the throttle
Proceed to the next section for instructions on updating.
Option 2: Using Access Point Mode
To eliminate the complexities of multiple WiFi networks, and make your updating process a little more streamlined, you can use the built-in WiFi of the device and connect your PC directly. To do this, the device needs to be put into a special mode so that it can broadcast its own WiFi - Access Point Mode.
Entering Access Point Mode on a UWT
Wake up your UWT by holding any button for two seconds. DO NOT press button 2 to finish the startup.
Press Button 7 to enter the Bootloader for updating the firmware
Press Button 8 to enter Access Point Mode
Connect your PC to the WiFi network created by the throttle. The name will be "tcs_thr_xxxx" ("xxxx" is the serial number of the throttle.) If prompted to enter a password, the default password is "123456789"
WARNING: If you are using Access Point Mode from your device, changing the network connection of your PC may interrupt your connection to the internet. Unless your computer also has a wired connection, launch Depot first so that any new firmware files are downloaded before severing the connection. -
Proceed to the next section for instructions on updating.
To install the update onto your UWT-100/UWT-50, follow these steps:
NOTE: If you are normally using LNWI/MRC-Wi/WifiTrax-NCE devices, power those down. TCS WiFi throttles and devices will always try to reconnect to networks it knows. If you are not using the same WiFi to update your device as you do to run your layout, you need to power these other WiFi sources down or manually connect the UWT to the correct WiFi network in the normal operating mode before powering it down again for updating.
To follow the steps as shown you must update to the latest version.
Make sure your computer is connected to the internet when you launch TCS Depot. If there are new firmware files available, they will be downloaded automatically. (Example shown below)

Follow These Steps To Update Your UWT:
Launch TCS Depot
Click the "Scan For Devices" Button
3. Follow the instructions on the screen. Once you complete each step, click the box to the left.

4. If your device was detected as the pictures show below, you could skip to step 6 and instead press the button for the device that was found. If you have to click connect manually, proceed with this step 5.

5. The Depot wil give you an error (as shown below) if no devices were detected. It will then prompt you to select which device you would like to update. Enter the IP Address of the device to be updated, then click "Connect"
On UWT's, the WiFi name and IP Address are shown on the screen. In Access Point Mode, the IP address is always

6. You will be presented with an option to "Select a file to update your throttle"
Depot will automatically select the newest file for your device. If for some reason you want to load an older version, you can click the file name to display a list of all of the options for the connected device.

7. Click the button to begin the updating process. UWT's will blink their flashlight LED's, as the update progresses. Once the update is complete, Depot will confirm the success.

Click the Back button to return to the main menu if you want to continue updating more devices.
If you encounter issues during the updating process, follow these troubleshooting steps before contacting TCS technical support:
Ensure your throttle is connected to the same network as the computer you will be using to update it.
Ensure that WiFi is turned ON if you are using a Laptop, WiFi dongle, or PC with integrated WiFi.
Ensure you have downloaded and installed the most recent version of Depot (Current Version is 2.1.0)
Ensure the computer you are using is not running a WiThrottle server or OpenMRN/LCC hub.
Verify that the WiFi name displayed on the throttle screen in Bootloader Mode is the same as the WiFi name that your computer is connected to.
Ensure that TCS Depot has permission to pass through the firewall on your computer (Windows Defender, etc.)
If you are running an add-on or additional antivirus software program on your computer, you may need to disable it temporarily.
If you are having connectivity problems between your UWT-100 and Depot, perform the following steps in order:
Reboot your throttle (press 9 while in Bootloader Mode to exit into standard operation mode. Power Down again, then reboot into the Bootloader Mode again). Restart Depot and start over.
Make sure that Windows User Account Control does not have a window open in the background asking for permission to allow Depot through the Firewall (Windows Defender).
Note: If you use JMRI to run your railroad and have an LCC and/or WiThrottle server running, stop the server(s) or Quit JMRI before updating any devices using Depot