Want to utilize the best method for updating your UWT-100 throttle moving forward? Well, look no further! TCS proudly offers a service to update your Throttles with Bootloader versions older than version 1.4. This is a one-time service to enable the Web Interface for updating. The fee includes return shipping and handling. By purchasing this, you can ship your throttle back to TCS and we will update your throttle with the latest Bootloader version so you can update your throttle in the best way possible, the Integrated Web Interface. Please ship your throttle back in its original box and foam with your confirmation number that you will receive via email.
If your throttle has bootloader version 1.0 or 1.2 then this service is for you!
Upon receiving your throttle, TCS will update the throttle's firmware to the latest version of the Bootloader. We will do our best to get your throttle(s) turned around as quickly as possible. The typical turnaround time is approximately 1 week.
Ship throttle to:
(For USPS use this address)
TCS Upgrade
P.O. Box 341
Blooming Glen, PA 18911 USA
(For UPS or FedEx use this address)
TCS Upgrade
845 Blooming Glen Rd.
Blooming Glen, PA 18911 USA