BOD4-CP 4+bulk
Block occupancy detector for up to 4 blocks. CP version Includes control for up to two turnouts.
Technical Support
Block Occupancy Detector-4
This board is meant to be used with the RRCirkits Tower LCC or Signal LCC board via a ribbon cable to create LCC events for LCC train layout control.
The BOD-4-CP can also be used stand-alone to create digital I/O signals for block occupancy.
This board operates as a DCC block occupancy detector for up to 4 blocks using remote CT coils for detection. Detection circuits will output logic levels, and use the RR-CirKits standard ribbon connector interface. Each block has a potentiometer sensitivity adjustment.
The CP version also includes two turnout drivers. When used with the Tower LCC or Signal LCC boards there are also 4 general purpose I/O connections. These are not available when used with older LocoNet based devices.
The "Power-Lok" feature preserves the state of block detection through a track power interruption.